Lambing Supplies

What lambing supplies do you need? This guide will walk you through the essential products necessary for a smooth and successful lambing season, ensuring the health and safety of your newborn sheep. From lamb and kid pullers to lamb and kid cradles, we have the tools to make your lambing season more manageable.

Importance of Lambing Supplies

Regarding sheep farming, having the right support is essential for ensuring a successful lambing season. Sheep are valuable agricultural assets, providing wool, milk, and meat. To maintain a healthy flock, it’s crucial to be prepared with the necessary tools and equipment during lambing. These lambing tools help manage the birthing process efficiently and play a vital role in safeguarding the health of both the ewe and her newborn lambs. By investing in high-quality tools for lambing, farmers can prevent potential complications, reduce stress, and enhance the overall well-being of their sheep.

lambing and kidding supplies

Overview of Top Tools for Sheep Lambing

Lambing tools, including a comprehensive birthing kit, are vital for the well-being of newborn lambs and efficient birthing management. The correct tools enhance lambing efficiency and reduce stress for lambs and their mothers. Here’s an overview of the top products every sheep farmer should consider:

  1. Best for Comfort: Lamb and Kid Cradle
  2. Best for Assisted Births: Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller
  3. Best for Prolapse Management:Prolapse Retainer
  4. Best for Limb Assistance: OB Leg Snare

Why Use a Lamb and Kid Cradle

Here are the reasons why you should use a lamb and kid cradle:

Lambing difficulties OR

Natural Carry Position

This cradle helps maintain the lambs’ natural position, preventing stress and rupture during movement. Thus, you can ensure your sheep’s or flock’s well-being with this product. Even in a small flock, using a Lamb and Kid Cradle can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of transporting newborn lambs. This cradle helps maintain the lambs’ natural position, preventing stress and rupture during movement. Thus, you can ensure your sheep’s or flock’s well-being with this product.

Safe Handling

Whether carrying one lamb or multiple lambs, the cradle’s innovative design lets you carry up to 4 lambs at once. This product will significantly help reduce trips and save time during lambing season. Using this cradle can prevent unnecessary stress and ensure a great experience for both the ewe and her lambs.

Whether carrying one lamb or multiple lambs, the cradle’s innovative design lets you carry up to 4 lambs at once. This product will significantly help reduce trips and save time during lambing season. Using this cradle can prevent unnecessary stress and ensure a great experience for both the ewe and her lambs.

lambing supplies oregon

Injury Support

Your lambs must be safe when transported, especially when injured. This product helps provide the care and attention they need. It is crucial to allocate time for thorough preparation and familiarization with your lambing supplies to prevent unnecessary stress and ensure smooth lambing.

Easy to Sterilize

Cleaning this item is easy. Pour hot water over the cradle, then sterilize it with an antiseptic solution to reuse it safely.

Durable and Efficient Design

The Lamb Cradle is made from high-quality, durable materials to adapt to the challenges of farm life. The product ensures the navel can protrude comfortably; pressure can be on your lamb’s transfer. This product will minimize pressure and support your lamb’s healthy development.

Best for Assisted Births - Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller

Be worry-free during your difficult deliveries of lambs and ewes! The Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller is an innovative lambing instrument that handles even the most challenging births. This product provides a secure and gentle solution and prevents mishandling of flocks during delivery.
Lambing process OR
The Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller is a valuable tool for helping with the safe delivery of lambs.

The Pull-EZE Lambing Instrument is made to help with challenging deliveries, ensuring that the lambs or kids are born safely and without hurting the ewe or the babies. This tool makes it easier to handle difficult births with accuracy. The ewe may need extreme effort to push the head and shoulders of the lamb through her pelvis. Once this happens, ewes give birth at a faster rate.

Why Use a Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller

Let’s guide you through the advantages of using a Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller:

Safety for Both Ewe and Lamb

You are guided from the start to the end of the process because there are clear, step-by-step instructions. This puller aims to reduce stress and strain on the ewe and the lamb, ensuring that all legs and heads belong to the same lamb during delivery. Additionally, it provides a smoother and safer birth process, whatever the circumstances.
newborn lamb oregon

Precision and Ease of Use

The clear, step-by-step instructions of the Pull-EZE tool will help farmers learn how to position the lamb’s head and legs in the proper place. The puller’s “Y” design ensures the lamb stays in the proper spot for a successful delivery without causing harm.

Durability and Hygiene

The Pull-EZE is made from a specially designed synthetic material resistant to foreign matter. This material is easy to sterilize and maintain. Pour hot water over the instrument or use a reliable antiseptic solution to sterilize it, and it will still be usable and clean enough to be reused.

Best for Prolapse Management - Prolapse Retainer

Reliable support for ewes during lambing season is an utmost priority. Although ewes typically lamb without difficulty or assistance, sometimes a normal process is needed, especially if the lamb is not in a normal presentation. This is when lambing time can be both exciting and challenging.

Assisted delivery only happens generally when there are multiple births, special cases of the lamb’s legs intertwined, or maybe it’s your first lambing experience. Don’t worry; even an experienced shepherd seeks help when needed.

The health of your flock is one of your primary concerns.  This Prolapse Retainer is essentially effective in controlling vaginal prolapse in ewes.  Moreover, it is designed to help you use it easily and ensure your flock’s welfare. This product provides a gentle and safely managed prolapse.

Here are some of the reasons why you’ll need a prolapse retainer:

Normal lambing oregon

Why Use A Prolapse Retainer

Here are some of the reasons why you’ll need a prolapse retainer:

Effective Prolapse Control

This prolapse retainer aids in your ewe’s gently pushing the prolapse back into place. When there is already a mucous discharge, this is a sign that lambing time has begun. The next phase will be the constantly increasing uterine contractions. Making the ewe urinate will reduce the discomfort.

It has a well-lubricated paddle designed to fit snugly close to the rectum for secure placement. The lamb will help itself with the natural birthing process, although sometimes problems arise when there is not enough room inside the birth canal to position the lamb correctly or when it appears to be wedged in it.

prolapse retainer

Safe for Lambing

Once inserted, the prolapse retainer does not interfere with lambing and can be safely used in a pregnant ewe. Its design ensures it can remain in place for up to a month, and the ewe will enjoy this support throughout its recovery.

Durable and Easy to Sterilize

The material used in the design and construction of this product is of high quality. It is easy to sterilize and resists foreign matter. To sterilize it, pour hot water or use a reliable antiseptic solution for quick disinfection.

Best for Limb Assistance - OB Leg Snare

The OB Leg Snare is specially designed to assist in the normal delivery of both ewe and lamb, kids, and other baby animals. This product makes lambing and birthing processes smoother and safer. This OB Leg Snare is an essential lambing tool that improves your ability to provide critical support for your newborn when needed.

Multiple lambs oregon

Why Use an OB Leg Snare

newborn lambs oregon


Ensuring you have the right supplies can significantly improve the well-being of your flock and the success of your lambing season. From the comfort provided by the Lamb and Kid Cradle to the critical assistance of the Pull-EZE Lamb and Kid Puller, each tool plays a vital role in managing the various challenges of lambing. Creating a checklist ensures you have all the tools for a successful lambing season.

By carefully considering your specific needs and the features of each product, you can make informed decisions that will benefit you and your animals. Investing in a high-quality, reliable lambing kit is an investment in the health and future of your flock.

newborn lamb oregon

Prevent Stressful Lambing

When you are ready for the lambing season, you can prevent any challenges that may cause mishandling your flocks. You are ready any time. Contact us for more information about these products that can help you have a worry-free lambing season. We are not kidding.


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